我也蛮感性的哦原来。。。 哈哈哈哈!!!!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
This semester... Tired
tired... tired... tired...
tired of evythg... tired of studies, tried of curriculum activities, tired of src, tired of friends, tired of love, tired of competition...
study~i hv reli no idea on what had i studied or learned in this semester... sorry for my noob-ness... i reli... cannot understnd of it even if the lecturer said tat it is just "high-school" stuff... am i cannot be compared to a high skul student? maybe i m worse than a hi-skul student... i m not sure... reli... reli... worry of this semester... kia-su... i admit it... evy1 tot tat i vy pro, but in fact i m not... evy1 said... "wah... president list lor.. u dunno, then hu will knw lor... if u fail arr? then i no nid tek exam ady lor"... speechless... this semester=die...assignment started from week1 till week14... structural concrete design... sumthing tat make us sufferring for the whole semester... lamfoongsin... aiz...
curriculum activities~moulala becum the vicechair of traveler's den... n organizing the sg lembing trip... evryday worry of the market... targetting 35 ppl... if not reach it, or anythg happen... the loses will be responsibled by us... n which is not a small value... duty at booth evyday, make me have no free time to hang out with frens during break time...
src thing~merdeka week... utar ball... blablabla... meeting... and also budget n financial account... wth... i not even settle the account for merdeka week else... then also caused of src meeting n activities... make me skip quite lot of classes... no wonder heard ppl said, entering src thn hv to prepare for getting worse in exam... assignment, the last week already... week 14... there is still an assignment which i think is the toughest one and not yet completed... make my life... BORING!
friends~wanna hang out with frens like previous semesters... but how? i can't... can't even find out free time for hanging out... i knw that maybe i am already started being erm... maybe "boycott" for always refuse to go out with coursemates... coz of meeting n other activities.. but i can do nth... well, now, actualy i juz come bek from hanging out with hanjian, weihao n khaishen... yumcha (or my dinner) and pool... lol.. til 5am...
love~well, wat is love? who do i love?? i dunno.. n vy blur of it... i dun wanna think abt it... i rmbr got sumbody told me b4, love is suffering... dun love is better... erm.. quite agree with it... do i love her? i dunno, and i hope tat i wont think so much... so, now, what can i do is jz treat evy1 as gud frens... and of coz, i luv all my frens... i juz dun wanna to let ppl hate, and hope tat ppl will like me n treat me as gud or maybe best fren...
competition~a gud news... our team is qualified for the bridge competition by UTM... din expect tat we can be accepted since the design is simply draw one using 1 nite time... somemore there is quite a lot problem occuring during the drawing stage... however, qualified into the competition, mean we have extra thing to do during these months... haiz... exam+assignment+trip+now, bridge competition again....
exam till 28th of Sept, 30th nite of Sept goin to sg lembing trip, till 2nd of Oct... 5th of Oct goin to UTM Johor for competition till 7th of Oct.. and industrial training, which i dunno when shud i postpone to... maybe 12th... let Dr. Lai them decide on it... coz i think IJM wil kill me if i tell them i wan to postpone again... but the training will be ended on 31th of Dec... means... i can only go back Perlis on January 2009..summore less than 1 week.. coz of the orientation for January intake... haiz haiz haiz...
tired of evythg... tired of studies, tried of curriculum activities, tired of src, tired of friends, tired of love, tired of competition...
study~i hv reli no idea on what had i studied or learned in this semester... sorry for my noob-ness... i reli... cannot understnd of it even if the lecturer said tat it is just "high-school" stuff... am i cannot be compared to a high skul student? maybe i m worse than a hi-skul student... i m not sure... reli... reli... worry of this semester... kia-su... i admit it... evy1 tot tat i vy pro, but in fact i m not... evy1 said... "wah... president list lor.. u dunno, then hu will knw lor... if u fail arr? then i no nid tek exam ady lor"... speechless... this semester=die...assignment started from week1 till week14... structural concrete design... sumthing tat make us sufferring for the whole semester... lamfoongsin... aiz...
curriculum activities~moulala becum the vicechair of traveler's den... n organizing the sg lembing trip... evryday worry of the market... targetting 35 ppl... if not reach it, or anythg happen... the loses will be responsibled by us... n which is not a small value... duty at booth evyday, make me have no free time to hang out with frens during break time...
src thing~merdeka week... utar ball... blablabla... meeting... and also budget n financial account... wth... i not even settle the account for merdeka week else... then also caused of src meeting n activities... make me skip quite lot of classes... no wonder heard ppl said, entering src thn hv to prepare for getting worse in exam... assignment, the last week already... week 14... there is still an assignment which i think is the toughest one and not yet completed... make my life... BORING!
friends~wanna hang out with frens like previous semesters... but how? i can't... can't even find out free time for hanging out... i knw that maybe i am already started being erm... maybe "boycott" for always refuse to go out with coursemates... coz of meeting n other activities.. but i can do nth... well, now, actualy i juz come bek from hanging out with hanjian, weihao n khaishen... yumcha (or my dinner) and pool... lol.. til 5am...
love~well, wat is love? who do i love?? i dunno.. n vy blur of it... i dun wanna think abt it... i rmbr got sumbody told me b4, love is suffering... dun love is better... erm.. quite agree with it... do i love her? i dunno, and i hope tat i wont think so much... so, now, what can i do is jz treat evy1 as gud frens... and of coz, i luv all my frens... i juz dun wanna to let ppl hate, and hope tat ppl will like me n treat me as gud or maybe best fren...
competition~a gud news... our team is qualified for the bridge competition by UTM... din expect tat we can be accepted since the design is simply draw one using 1 nite time... somemore there is quite a lot problem occuring during the drawing stage... however, qualified into the competition, mean we have extra thing to do during these months... haiz... exam+assignment+trip+now, bridge competition again....
exam till 28th of Sept, 30th nite of Sept goin to sg lembing trip, till 2nd of Oct... 5th of Oct goin to UTM Johor for competition till 7th of Oct.. and industrial training, which i dunno when shud i postpone to... maybe 12th... let Dr. Lai them decide on it... coz i think IJM wil kill me if i tell them i wan to postpone again... but the training will be ended on 31th of Dec... means... i can only go back Perlis on January 2009..summore less than 1 week.. coz of the orientation for January intake... haiz haiz haiz...
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
A very ... erm... dunno-how-to-describe day today...
well, for tis blog, jz let me briefly write down what had i done in this semester... as a memory for me in the future... so, i think i hv to write it here 1st bfore i forget it...
well, in tis sem, i join quite a lot of... so-called curiculum activities... From orientation, to src, to society... orientation, as mentioned, i was the ast. treasurer for RCM... but in fact, is responsible for VIP n helpers food.. oo, ya, i was oso the oath taker for the mass call, whose voice is the loudest wan, according to my juniors.... LOL... but we r praised by mr.denish.. manager of DSA, haha~
thn i was the helper for icebreaking n wfc.. wfc, till now i stil dunno wat i actualy helped them in the event... i jz remember, i took the helper tag, n sat there for the whole concert... n, mayb... again... the sound-effect manager... LOL..
well, for the icebreaking, which was the event tat made me knw the most juniors... bcoz i was the faci for the icebreakin, or so-called SPY... lol... from there, i knw a lot of frens... but i think till now, the most got contact de oso are jz qi and doni onli... we r 小毛驴... lol.. stil rmber?? WAKAKA
ok, then i mongchacha then enter jor SRC... student representative committee...become the treasurer of it... sound vy yeng rite?? but actualy not... is the committe tat let ppl "put on table" wan... evythg oso nid to involve, evythg oso related to us.. damn busy!!!! and then, one day, zhiling ask me whether wan join comitee for society o not... n then, again, mong cha cha, then becum vice chair of traveler den ady... swt...

ok...no doubt, tis sem i reli get knw a lot lot lot lot new frens... compared to few previous semesters i at UTAR... n most of the new frens tat i knw is coz of... ice breaking, society, src, malacca "TRIP" and 2nd book selling!!
oohh.. ya, n also coz of i help xinqi (a cute gal from my icebreaking group) to help her n her frens to register art n craft membership, so i get to knw the two frens of her, fiona n peiseen... i knw fi 1st, n how i knw her? it is coz of a vy... funy? or sory? story.. lol.... but coz of tat case oso, i with they three gals bcum more gud frens.. coz of the RM10 senior, or RM6.66666 seniors and the bubble milk tea (where i knw seen there)... haha...
yaa, i knw mr.v as well from selling books... among so many juniors i sell 2nd hand books, i think mr.v is most gud wit me de laa... altho not vy gud fren oso XD
ok then... i mong cha cha bcum src ady maa, so i oso get to knw sum src from other campus... especially sg long wan... dunno y, mayb is a tradition... usually KL campus n sg long campus src more close wan.. but not other campus... hahahhaa...
then, in this sem, i oso mongchacha then go jor join 1 competition... a vy nice competition.... ASEAN build n break competition... at UNITEN.... quite a nice wan... we built a tower crane prototype by using the material they provided us on the spot... in abt 3-4 hrs for us to build... UTAR sent two teams there... CI y3 and y4 students... guess wat, y4 students lose jor... but we!! din lose... juz.. disqualified =.= hahahhaha...

thn... cant think of anythg ady... juz tis sem, quite sien the subj... lamfoongsin... haiz... asgmnent frm week 1 - 14... sot sot sot!!!! low kao sai... dunno wat he teach!!! evyday "huh... huh... huh..." sien!!! dr.chew... he teach quite nice kua... but i dunno... cz he teach, i sleep o i talk!!!! lee min lee... ok larr.. but i chat oso =.=" sorry to them... T_T
Ya, tis sem, i oso becum the helper of Famine 30... 1st time din eat solid food for 30hours... wow... n i din hungry at all!!! (cheat ppl wan larr).... but stil ok larr... 30 hours onli maa.. sapsapsui.. altho we actualy is famine 33... lol... then i saw ah mei oso!!!! rocks! guangliang oso... altho i asleep when guangliang sang til half... paiseh to him ><
well, for tis blog, jz let me briefly write down what had i done in this semester... as a memory for me in the future... so, i think i hv to write it here 1st bfore i forget it...
well, in tis sem, i join quite a lot of... so-called curiculum activities... From orientation, to src, to society... orientation, as mentioned, i was the ast. treasurer for RCM... but in fact, is responsible for VIP n helpers food.. oo, ya, i was oso the oath taker for the mass call, whose voice is the loudest wan, according to my juniors.... LOL... but we r praised by mr.denish.. manager of DSA, haha~
thn i was the helper for icebreaking n wfc.. wfc, till now i stil dunno wat i actualy helped them in the event... i jz remember, i took the helper tag, n sat there for the whole concert... n, mayb... again... the sound-effect manager... LOL..
well, for the icebreaking, which was the event tat made me knw the most juniors... bcoz i was the faci for the icebreakin, or so-called SPY... lol... from there, i knw a lot of frens... but i think till now, the most got contact de oso are jz qi and doni onli... we r 小毛驴... lol.. stil rmber?? WAKAKA

ok, then i mongchacha then enter jor SRC... student representative committee...become the treasurer of it... sound vy yeng rite?? but actualy not... is the committe tat let ppl "put on table" wan... evythg oso nid to involve, evythg oso related to us.. damn busy!!!! and then, one day, zhiling ask me whether wan join comitee for society o not... n then, again, mong cha cha, then becum vice chair of traveler den ady... swt...

ok...no doubt, tis sem i reli get knw a lot lot lot lot new frens... compared to few previous semesters i at UTAR... n most of the new frens tat i knw is coz of... ice breaking, society, src, malacca "TRIP" and 2nd book selling!!
oohh.. ya, n also coz of i help xinqi (a cute gal from my icebreaking group) to help her n her frens to register art n craft membership, so i get to knw the two frens of her, fiona n peiseen... i knw fi 1st, n how i knw her? it is coz of a vy... funy? or sory? story.. lol.... but coz of tat case oso, i with they three gals bcum more gud frens.. coz of the RM10 senior, or RM6.66666 seniors and the bubble milk tea (where i knw seen there)... haha...
yaa, i knw mr.v as well from selling books... among so many juniors i sell 2nd hand books, i think mr.v is most gud wit me de laa... altho not vy gud fren oso XD
ok then... i mong cha cha bcum src ady maa, so i oso get to knw sum src from other campus... especially sg long wan... dunno y, mayb is a tradition... usually KL campus n sg long campus src more close wan.. but not other campus... hahahhaa...
then, in this sem, i oso mongchacha then go jor join 1 competition... a vy nice competition.... ASEAN build n break competition... at UNITEN.... quite a nice wan... we built a tower crane prototype by using the material they provided us on the spot... in abt 3-4 hrs for us to build... UTAR sent two teams there... CI y3 and y4 students... guess wat, y4 students lose jor... but we!! din lose... juz.. disqualified =.= hahahhaha...
pity us kena "mao kai tao" for our lunch... looking on sky...blaming the god.. y our life so poor...
our "baby" after 3 o 4 hours... on mr.tan table SA block now...
oh ya, we had a trip last time... goin to KL (from KL go KL??? =.=)... a trip by traveler's den... quite happy tat tis trip can success... altho i m not the organizing committee... i involved quite lot in it... so i think i ady treat tis trip as my "baby" lol..
our "baby" after 3 o 4 hours... on mr.tan table SA block now...

thn... cant think of anythg ady... juz tis sem, quite sien the subj... lamfoongsin... haiz... asgmnent frm week 1 - 14... sot sot sot!!!! low kao sai... dunno wat he teach!!! evyday "huh... huh... huh..." sien!!! dr.chew... he teach quite nice kua... but i dunno... cz he teach, i sleep o i talk!!!! lee min lee... ok larr.. but i chat oso =.=" sorry to them... T_T
Ya, tis sem, i oso becum the helper of Famine 30... 1st time din eat solid food for 30hours... wow... n i din hungry at all!!! (cheat ppl wan larr).... but stil ok larr... 30 hours onli maa.. sapsapsui.. altho we actualy is famine 33... lol... then i saw ah mei oso!!!! rocks! guangliang oso... altho i asleep when guangliang sang til half... paiseh to him ><
Together with a cute gal, wei wei at the famine camp... youngest in our camp, 7yrs old!
ok, week 13 ady now.... but my knowledge still on week 1 o 2 onli... hahhha... vy nice.... tis sem.. goin to die lorr.... n i till now dun even knw when i wan to go bek kampung... i tak tau.... i wanna go bek, tis weekend o nex? haiz... if i dn bek either of these two week.. i hv to wait wait wait wait till NEXT YEAR!!! yeah!!! coz i hving exam till 28th of Sept, then 1 n 2nd of Oct hving another trip (oso traveler's den one), thn 5th of Oct haiz... work ady... with IJM.... sien sien sien ><Tuesday, August 25, 2009
long long long time din write blog le lorr...
well... reli quite long time din blog ler...
erm... 1 month 2 month... forget le lorr...wakakaka... fanzheng nobody knw tat i got blog oso de larr.. lol....
well... to explain here, actualy i start blogging since form5 ady... here is the proof... u guys can see from here...
hahaha... i stil rmbr my very 1st blog is abt a scorpio wan.. lol... coyotito as in form5 novel... kakaka... well... i show the link here juz to prove tat i m NOT influenced by any1 to begin blogging... erm... scare tat u guys tot tat i m like sum1 maa... LOL... ya... i m vy "expensive", understnd?? LOL
hahaha... but tat one is longlonglonglonglong time punya history jor...
so ok larr... since nth to do recently.. (in fact, a super bz semester >< vy fan, vy stress, vy bz... my frens got feel it??) so now... i start unlock my blog la... n thn start to update it... ermm...
well... today still nth much to write larr... quite lazy ady... tmr stil goin to hving 2 tutorial... 1 meeting n 1 sg long erm.. dunno wat competition...but i knw go there to see sr korkor flirting lar... wakakka... lol... k lar... byebye...
erm... 1 month 2 month... forget le lorr...wakakaka... fanzheng nobody knw tat i got blog oso de larr.. lol....
well... to explain here, actualy i start blogging since form5 ady... here is the proof... u guys can see from here...
hahaha... i stil rmbr my very 1st blog is abt a scorpio wan.. lol... coyotito as in form5 novel... kakaka... well... i show the link here juz to prove tat i m NOT influenced by any1 to begin blogging... erm... scare tat u guys tot tat i m like sum1 maa... LOL... ya... i m vy "expensive", understnd?? LOL
hahaha... but tat one is longlonglonglonglong time punya history jor...
so ok larr... since nth to do recently.. (in fact, a super bz semester >< vy fan, vy stress, vy bz... my frens got feel it??) so now... i start unlock my blog la... n thn start to update it... ermm...
well... today still nth much to write larr... quite lazy ady... tmr stil goin to hving 2 tutorial... 1 meeting n 1 sg long erm.. dunno wat competition...but i knw go there to see sr korkor flirting lar... wakakka... lol... k lar... byebye...
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